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- VUpperWestSide version 1.1 --- a PostScript font.
- ---------------------------------- The enclosed PostScript Type 1 hinted
- font was made possible by the following software: Logitech ScanMan 2.0,
- Fontographer 3.1, Adobe Streamline, Canvas 2.1, and two recent issues of
- THE NEW YORKER. This font is the font which is used for the logo of the
- NEW YORKER magazine and which is also used for headings throughout each
- issue. It contains a full set of upper- and lower-case characters,
- punctuation, and numbers. And several characters are filled with the
- image of the New Yorker's famous FOP, as follows: (The @ character, for
- instance, prints this image) I created this font because nobody was
- marketing a version of it, anywhere. See your manuals for instructions
- on installing UpperWestSide. The bitmaps are in size 12, 18, 24 and 36,
- but if you have ATM you need only install the 12-point size. I called
- the font UpperWestSide instead of NewYorker because Image Club Graphics
- already markets a PostScript font called New Yorker. And they are in
- Canada. Since this font is in Type 1 format and hinted, it is compatible
- with Adobe Type Manager, and what it is, too. UpperWestSide is Cheapo
- ShareWare -- it is NOT free. If you use this font AT ALL and have any
- sense of guilt whatsoever, I strongly suggest you make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE
- donation of $6.41 to Columbia University, as follows: Make your check
- payable to Columbia University, address the envelope to Cynthia Lemiesz,
- Music Department, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY
- 10027, and enclose a 3 x 5 card with the following handwritten text:
- "Dear Cynthia: I really like Marie Osmond. Just Kidding. Here's $6.41."
- You may enclose a color photo of a black and white object, or vice versa,
- if you feel like it. You may give copies to your friends providing all
- files associated with UpperWestSide are included, and providing that you
- do not charge money, even for "disk duplication" fees. Shareware/Public
- Domain disk services may distribute this font providing all material
- which describes or promotes whatever disk contains this font contains the
- following disclaimer, in 18-point type: UPPERWESTSIDE IS SHAREWARE.
- PALMS. Shareware/Public Domain companies must ALSO pay the $6.41 to
- Columbia University in order to have my permission to distribute
- UpperWestSide. This font is copyrighted 1990 by David Rakowski. Alle
- Rechte Vorhalten. It is NOT in the public domain. Find me on GEnie as
- RAKMAN and on Compuserve at 73240,3060 (they have such user-friendly IDs,
- don't they?). Don't send E-mail. It will go unanswered, probably.
- Suggestions? I don't give a #@($*)@#$. Changes in version 1.1: Option
- 1,2,3,4,5 reproduce the icons for movie ratings in the San Francisco
- Examiner and Worcester Telegram, from worst to best. Option-shift
- a,s,d,f have monograms for "BW," my wife's initials. Option-shift
- z,x,c,v have monograms for "DR," my initials. option-b and option-d have
- little pictures of my wife and myself. option-w reproduces a printer
- ornament found in a Maurice Sendak book. Neither of us has permission to
- use that image, so keep it quiet, ok? More kerning has been added, the
- space after upper- and lower-case "I" has been increased, the dash
- characters have been moved lower, and open and close single and double
- quotes have been added. ---------------------------- For those of you
- who have been wondering, I teach music at Columbia University. Making
- fonts is a hobby. (a feature, not a bug)